weekly comments

Below are parent comments that were gathered from the Pulse Survey.   

Remain positive and try to make the best of everyday. Ray-Candi Handley

Paisleigh loves zooming with Mrs. Lisa Smith each day! She is such a wonderful teacher!

Although this situation has been trying at times, we have been so thankful to be a part of our children's educational instruction. We have made so many new memories, found new things to do for fun, and really enjoyed spending time together.

They look forward to the zoom meetings with their teachers and peers.

“We are all in this together.” Erin Shackelford

I’m really not sure this is the answer you are looking for but -I wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the communication the district has provided throughout this whole mess. The timely ness of how the teachers have provided their work and their feedback has been amazing. Just thought you all could use a pat on the back! And a BIG thank you!!

Trying to find the silver lining during this time. I’m working from home but this extra time with my kids and helping them learn has been so valuable to me! Hillary Wilson

With everything going on we have been able to spend more quality time together. Usually there isn't enough time in the day for us to have real genuine talks because we are rushing from one tasks to another. When working on school work my kids are able to share ideas and help one another out on some items. It's definitely different working from home and wearing multiple hats on top of acting as a 1st grade and preschool teacher for my own kids, but overall it is enjoyable and fun to watch my kids grow during this time. Korri Paden

The teachers have really done an amazing job! Everything is well organized and they are easy to reach with any questions/concerns.

We have phenomenal teachers! I could not do this everyday! My kids don’t listen to their mom!

Mrs. Smith has a zoom meeting everyday that really connects the class and adds some normalcy with a question for roll call, reading a book, daily jokes provided by the kids, help with work, scavenger hunts, drawing videos, and so much more. It has made my daughter so happy to have these meetings! Amanda Rullman

Enjoying our time together normally we are on the go all the time. Kristina Post

My family has been able to learn and teach life skills along side the academic lesson plan. We have taken advantage of this extra time together by catching fish, learning laundry routines, following recipes and cooking/baking, sending and receiving mail, exercising more, practicing fire safety along with a fire drill, etc. Our daily schedules may have diminished or been altered, but life doesn’t have to be awful. Make it fun and make the most of your moments! Audrey Hansen

It certainly gives a new appreciation for our teachers and the school staff for all that they do for our children and community. Amber Fischer

We have more time for family activities; games, campfire, movies.

The most positive aspect that's come out of this situation is that my child has recognized that she must work on her own time while realizing she still must adhere to a time frame. She gets up at the same hour she did when she was physically attending school. She also has come to acknowledge that she must hold herself accountable for her work, be it good, bad, or indifferent. As this is written, she's currently finished her coursework on time for the past week and a half. Last but not least, she has learned to literally read all of the instructions on given assignments-whereas previously, she did not-understanding the importance of being thorough. ADRIENNE PICKENS (the nana)

My students teachers have done a great job in this difficult time. They quickly respond to any questions we have had, and they both do little things to keep connected with their students. Feedback is quick and their guidance is helpful. (1st - Halter, 4th - Posegate) Jessica Herbster

My son has really embraced learning from home. He likes that he can work at his own pace with minimal distractions. We try every evening to do an activity outside (weather permitting). We were loving going to the HS track, and were really sad when they closed it off. Instead we have started riding bikes a lot more.

We have had more family and home time. The boys are learning real life skills. They have got to witness lambing. Blayce helped pull a dystocia lamb that sadly didn't make it. All three of them have been working on our 69 and 72 Chevy trucks. We have done lots of projects around the farm as well. I think the 3 boys are actually starting to like each other too :) I am impressed out how well all 3 of them have been an working on their school work. School starts at 8 without an issue here. They get their work done to the best of their ability without a fuss. If they have an issue they communicate their concerns well so we can get it resolved. They manage to get their work done in less time then they would if physically going to school allowing them more time to do other things (chores, play outside, work with animals, etc). If it wasn't for the social disconnect, I think that these boys prefer homeschooling.

It's a pleasure to see Bobby learning and to be able to do learning activities with him every day. I usually spend more time teaching other people's children than my own, so this has been a positive outcome for me. I'm also getting to use skills from my early childhood degree that I've not used in awhile.